Putting it simply, Artificial Intelligence is slowly but surely starting to lose that 'Futuristic' concept. It is here, it’s been here for a while, and day by day it continues to get better, which is fabulous.

But lingering with a lot of people is still this fear and uncertainty of AI, and somehow it was automatically assigned a bad rap. Why? Let’s come away from the ideology and 'Terminator' way of thinking here for a sec. AI is not going to replace you, full stop. 'Human in the Loop' (HIL) is a crucial piece of the puzzle, and the development of what we know AI to be today includes the practice of 'HIL' for its operation and development to continue.

Let’s be real. This is your mindset issue, this resistance you have to innovation is your issue, this is entirely your issue. Full stop. People talk about having your money mindset, your growth mindset, and success mindset, which morally are obligations that you've sought to have to become or be the best version of yourself. Individually or as part of a business, changing times means changing work, or in relation to AI in this case, the way you work. Like I mentioned above, AI is not going to replace you, but let me amend my initial statement, which I am sure by now you have heard before, to this:

"AI is not going to replace you, but someone who knows how to use AI will."

I firmly believe that you are morally obligated to do amazing things, better than the day before. AI honestly makes this so easy; it can bridge the gap more than you can conceptualise. So to cut to the chase, you owe it to yourself to understand it. Individually, if you want to innovate your life, the output of your work, or the success and direction of your business, the easiest, highest return on your invested time and money is to just drop the oppression act and learn it.

If a workforce, a team, or an individual at a company could automate and introduce AI to small parts of their day-to-day tasks, their labour overall to their job will be reduced.

I'll leave you with a graph posted by Andrea L, et al from the National Bureau of Economic Research. (https://www.bain.com/insights/how-generative-ai-will-supercharge-productivity-snap-chart/)

I'm sure this will give you an inclination.

Overcoming the AI Hesitation